advanced drawing & painting
This course continues the study of drawing, painting and printmaking with further emphasis placed on iterations of visual language, the fluid relationship of drawing to painting, contemporary and historical artwork, and principles of composing dynamic space introduced in the previous year. Drawing, painting and printmaking are the primary focus in the fall semester while painting both in acrylic and oil is explored in the spring semester. Emphasis is placed on perceptual drawing and painting applications, architecture, portraiture, still-life, figuration, and landscape. Progress through the year presents opportunities for students to become more self-aware of their specific interests in materials and creative approach. Coursework is designed to further develop technical proficiency into higher levels of facility while fostering a sense of creative independence, vision, self-reflection, and expression. Interested students will be given direction on how to participate in art events throughout the year and are strongly encouraged to participate. Sketchbook work is assigned and builds connections between guided assignments and personal observations. Students work with the instructor to build a portfolio of archived work throughout, both in the fall and spring semesters.