Honors Sculpture and Design
Students study in depth in areas of their own choosing through individual research and manifest in the creation of both assigned and self-developed projects. Students will use problem solving and ideation to identify areas of interest. Outcomes may range from traditional craft such as functional pottery to digitally designed architectural projects or mixed media sculpture.
This year, students collaborated with Advanced Painting and Drawing on large coil built pots with oxide paintings, They learned slip casting and they proposed, designed and began building a treehouse for the Lower School!
Coil built pots with Oxide paintings- a collaboration
The Honors class collaborated with Mr. Blanco’s Advanced Drawing and Painting class. The Sculpture students made pots that had to be at least 13” tall using coil construction. They then gave the pots to the 2D students who painted them with metalic oxides before they were fired and glazed.
Works shown: Sani (pot) and Lindsey (painting), Peyton (pot) and Valentina (painting), Keith (both pot and painting), Rhys (pot) and Edward (painting), Preston (pot) and Henry (painting), Sophia (pot) and Nichole (painting), Hudson (pot) and Bianca (painting)

Treehouse- pitch, design, build
Hudson, Keith,Preston, Rhys, Sani, and Sophia proposed building a treehouse for the Lower School students. They scouted sites, discussed designs, created a pitch for the administration, built individual concept models and a final iteration together, made a materials list and a budget and began construction. Stay tuned for more on this exciting projects in the Fall of 2024!

New Techniques- slip cast ceramics
In this project, students threw a vessel on the wheel, made a plaster mold from the greenware and cast multiple copies of the initial object using ceramic slip. They then designed and created a ceramic slab tray to accompany and compliment the cast vessels. Works pictured by Preston, Hudson, Sani, Keith.