Sculpture and Design:
We go that extra dimension.
Senior Studio Practice
I think the most important thing about an artwork is its authenticity.
Caroline B. - Ceramic bowl and tray set
A series of wearable clothing that reflects my personal perspective on social and political hot topics and the production of customs incorporates various materials like silk, plastic, metal, found objects, and so on. I embody symbolic elements from each topic into my design, arranging them in an intentionally messy but appreciable manner.- Annabelle H. - Fashion series
I think the thing that motivates me to make pieces of art is the desire to try something new, and also learn from my mistakes.
Curtis B. - Mixed media lamp
They are many reasons why people want to create art, but the reason I wanted to create art was to get my mind off all the things I stress about. Every day I have lots of school work to do and a lot of the time I stress over it more than I need to. Whenever I go to art and create it, I forget about the stress of school and everything else on my find. Creating art has become a very strong stress-reliever in my life.
Aspen J. - carved stone bear
Art is an outlet, whether I'm stressed, happy, looking for something different, I can always turn my music up and create something. It frees me to express myself in an environment that is judgement free and full of mistakes, there is no textbook way to make art and this allows me to free myself.
Sean M. - Mixed media sculpture
As an artist, I focus on, I guess I could succinctly say, “functional design.” Although I do appreciate the occasional good sculpture, what I really appreciate is that nice chair in the corner that also is just a really good chair, or the clock up on the wall that not only tells me the time, but looks great doing it.
Rett P. - Cylindrical Lamp
What motivates me to create art is seeing inspiring art in different aspects of my life. I am surrounded by art everywhere: at school, at home, and everywhere in between. It consumes me and it is contagious. I am extremely impressionable by the many pieces I come across.
Taylor W.- Mixed media mask and site-specific sculpture
Honors Sculpture and Design
As an artist I purely use art as a way to express myself and my interest, while also relieving stress and shouting out to the outside world. I believe it is important to truly enjoy the artwork you are creating.
Alex A. Attraction/Repulsion Soft Sculpture
As an artist, creating and making different pieces can be very calming and fun at the same time. I think that everyone should get involved with art in some way no matter the type.
Alec C. - Attraction/Repulsion Soft Sculpture “Soft Piano”
I love nature and its abundant variety of interesting shapes. A tree or a single shell on a beach is a fascinating subject. How old is it? What remarkable events has it endured? How many living things call it home? These objects are distinctly symmetrical, simplistic, evolving, yet theyalso possess a thousand years of consistency.
Annika B. - Attraction/Repulsion Soft Sculpture
I am motivated my taking things that I like and like to put my own twist on it.
David F. - Attraction/Repulsion Soft Sculpture
As an artist, I think it is important to have the work you create mean something and have a reason behind why one is making a piece. As a student of a rigorous college preparatory it is important to have an outlet that releases stress and calms you down.
Hunter H - Site-Specific Sculpture Proposal “Backyard Jungle”
As long as I can remember I always loved building things, whether it be helping my dad with projects around the house or playing with Lego sets I always liked to make things. Still today I like to build things and making them look appealing to the eye is another challenge that I like to add to my projects.
King K. - Attraction/Repulsion Soft Sculpture
Blake M. - Site Specific Sculpture Proposal
What motivates me to create art is the joy I feel once I finish making something after putting lots of time and dedication into my efforts. Art has allowed me to take a break from the chaos of school and homework and focus on something I am passionate about.
Austin S. - Attraction/Repulsion Soft Sculpture
I find that placing my focus onto a specific, possible random object or thing allows me to develop that into a more visually pleasing, eyectaching, or interesting for others to look at and observe.
Ansley S. - Attraction/Repulsion Soft Sculpture