Honors Sculpture and Design

Students study in depth in areas of their own choosing through individual research and manifest in the creation of both assigned and self-developed projects. Students will use problem solving and ideation to identify areas of interest. Outcomes may range from traditional craft such as functional pottery to digitally designed architectural projects or mixed media sculpture. 

What motivates you to make your work?

The feeling of satisfaction that comes when something you pour your heart and soul into is complete. - Taylor W.

Works shown: Fire Truck, mixed media site-specific sculpture and Mask, mixed media wearable sculpture

Good design takes Time - Rett P.

Works shown: Canterns, punched metal, electric lights and Twist Stool, wood and jute

Canterns, daytime installation view

Canterns, daytime installation view

Canterns, nighttime installation view

Canterns, nighttime installation view

Twist Stool

Twist Stool

Twist Stool, detail

Twist Stool, detail

When I create, I prefer no boundaries, no guidelines or anything of that sort, I just want my imagination and patience. - Sean M.

Works Shown: Little Friend, Mixed media Site Specific sculpture and Power PLant (with Rett P) , Sculpture responding to the great gatsby, ceramic, 3d printed plastic, soil, Pachira aquatica

Getting rid of my stress and freeing myself from everything is what motivates me to do my work - Aspen J.

Works Shown: Gatsby Fluke (with Curtis B.), mixed media sculpture responding to the great gatsby and Soup Bowls, glazed ceramic

I work to stimulate emotional impulse like the sense of urgency and duty when the viewer sees my work. - Annabelle H.

Works shown: Chair, wood and Shelter, wood and yarn

I think the most important thing about an artwork is If a viewer is drawn in or not - Caroline B.

Works shown: Bowls and tray, glazed ceramic and Bathroom, site specific mixed media sculpture

I think the feeling that you get from creating art is important because at least to me, when I’m creating art i can feel a sense of accomplishment little by little as you work through the piece. when you finally finish there is a moment of happiness that you finally finished but also you’re happy that you created something that you enjoyed working on. - Curtis B.

Works Shown: Drip or Drown, glazed ceramic and Shelter, mixed media sculpture

The most important feelings when it comes to creating art are passion and drive which will allow you to enjoy the process and the final product. - Vico A.

Works shown: Gatsby Landscape (with Caroline B), mixed media sculpture in response to the great gatsby and Black hood, mixed media wearable sculpture