ADVANCED Darkroom PHotography
Students learn the principles of operating a 35-mm camera, developing black and white film, and making photo enlargements in the darkroom. Students explore a variety of advanced darkroom techniques such as the Sabattier effect, double exposure, and selective development. They also learn to analyze images by discussing design, subject matter, and lighting.
Simar C.
Alexis F.
Sasha G.
Sasha G.
Isa N.
Abby L.
Abby L.
Emma M.
Natalie B.
Emma M.
Elissa M.B.
Elissa M.B.
Natalie B.
Isa N.
Ana R.
Ana R.
Sasha G.
Simar C.
Simar C.
Sophia R.
Sophia R.
Abby W.
Abby W.
Luke A.
Luke A.
Alexis F.